Planet Perspective – Create a New Planet YOU!

Planet Perspective
Let go of that which holds you down, so you may see yourself for the person you really are and get to where you want to be!

This meme is meant for a giggle, but it really strikes at the core of coaching and becoming your best self. Beyond the laugh, this meme represents reframing perspectives. If you are not happy where you are, go to a place where you are happy. Look at your situation from a different point of view and you will see a new you and may get that much closer to where you want to be.

What limiting beliefs are you holding on to that are preventing you from moving forward?
How can you let go of these beliefs?
What structures can you add to your life to support you moving forward?

It can be good to be from another planet!

Revisiting my Inspirational Discussion with Diamond Dallas Page, Arthur Boorman and Dr Craig Aaron

I just returned from the DDP Yoga Retreat in Riviera Maya, Mexico. It was an awesome time. We worked out really hard (up to 3.5 hours a day) and met alot of GREAT people. It was truly a life changing experience. I am posting a Youtube link to a discussion I had with the creators or DDP Yoga Diamond Dallas Page and Doctor Craig Aaron and a man who has played a huge part in the exploding popularity of DDP Yoga, Arthur Boorman. The video is just under 15 minutes in length, and it includes some incredible insights into Arthur’s inspirational journey that you probably have not heard before. Search DDP Yoga and Arthur Boorman for more information.

You can find the video here:

For Additional Information on Arthur’s Journey check out these Youtube channels:

My Latest Endeavor

Please check out the website: Please check out the website:

I am currently volunteer coaching for this very worthy organization. Their mission is to bring together a community of support to make coaching accessible for all women who are seeking positive change in their lives.

Co-Creator Coaches


Coaches and clients combine their energies to support the client in becoming the best self they can be. Coaches create a safe, confidential space where the client can feel comfortable to open up without being judged.

Contact me if you wish to become  your best self. I am offering free 30 minute consultations to anyone who wants to see if coaching is their answer.